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A very nice experiment, loving how smooth the animation is.

For a first timer, this is actually pretty good! Looking forward to see more of your content. :)

HeyJose responds:

Thanks for the encouraging words.

Well, presentation was alright, but I felt the animation was a bit static. Good work either way.

HypedZ3R0 responds:

It could've been better I understand. I gave it my best with what I had though, so I'm proud of it. Thanks for the compliment though :P

Pretty nostalgic, I finally have a reason to take the Clock Crew seriously.

Nicely done, MelloYelloClock!

MelloYelloClock responds:

Thank you.

Oh, man.
I'm at a lost of words right now-

LSanimation responds:

post-Interstellar De Ja Vu? :D

It's highly unrecommended to submit unfinished works to the portal (especially sprite movies).

You have a better chance submitting this to the forums.

AnimeBoss responds:

Oh, Ok thanks o_o
Umm, Where exactly in the forums?

Please refrain from uploading unfinished works.

Submit these works to the Dumping Grounds and to the 'Animation' forums in Newgrounds' BBS. You can find better feedback from there rather than the portal itself.

stormkill responds:

thanks. didn't know that to be honest. i will find out how to use that forum for feedback to unfinished work.

Quite the thought provoking flash. Although, I wished it would give clues to the viewer on where to click during pauses. I had to click everywhere whenever the movie stopped playing. I believe the movie was better off without the interactivity.

The surreal animation leaves a the viewer with a trailing thought. Quite mysterious, it was a pretty good watch.

Aysenthesys responds:

I answered below my choice on interactivity. I said I "really liked the idea of the viewer controlling the pace of the animation, as well as basically clicking things to life -- and death". Therefore, I thought pointing out where to click wouldn't have any sense. I think it's not too hard to know, neither.
Thank you very much for your thoughts!


It's pretty short, DBZ sound effects has been done to death already. Animation is decent, but graphics needs a bit more improving. I could see you're just starting out and that's just fine. I would recommend going to the forums and submit this movie to the Dumping Grounds and showcase it there. From there, people can offer you criticism and feedback.

Good luck out there!

JukinS responds:

Thank you very much, means a lot! And yes, im just starting, i dont have good sources of sound effects, and i didnt put effort on the characters design, but i'll make them better, seriously thanks!

It's decent.

Voice acting was pretty average, yet the animation seems a bit stale.

It's a great start.

allietron responds:



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