
171 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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I never thought Tom would ever get a animated until now.

He finally lives up to his name.

artistunknown responds:

I drew some anthro fanart of him a while back as a joke but then I ended up liking the design so much that I wanted to animate it, and then I heard this audio clip and it was perfect ;3

Too short, not enough substance to be an decent animation.

MoonPunk responds:

This is my first ever animation so i was just testing it out. the program kept crashing so i had to make it 2 parts. I appreciate the criticism, ill try to make more substantial ones or edit the parts together until i can get a better computer to work with. The second part is just called DYLM if you want to see where this was going

It's "Aeris" or "Aerith" whatever.

Pretty impressive work here!

Czarsquid responds:

Oh whoops. I'll see if I can fix it. Thank you for the kind words

This isn't the place to test your animations. You're better off submitting this at the Animation forums here.

You don't want to be known for making halfassed movies, do you?

KenAnimates responds:

alright i'll do that

Interesting preview, the animation feels like a mix of western shows and anime in a way, a interesting mix. Voices seems okay.

Love to see more.

kddametrius20 responds:

Thanks for the review :) glad you're interested and there is more to see

Well, that was something! It had some charm.

Harshit21 responds:

Lol.. Yeah😊 thanks for responding by the way😊

Really dated graphics all around, but it was at least charming.

CleatPeddlingMinion responds:

Watching it on Newgrounds, I myself certainly get an 'aged' feeling about it (though perhaps in a different way than you). I cannot seem to upload to the resolution I intend these projects to be viewed in. Youtube and such seem to do it just fine but here it really wants to restrict me. Not entirely sure how I can fix that.

What is that attitude in the description? The movie felt dull, everything else was okay but it was just dull.

There's little to no entertainment value here, if we're being honest.

SimpleColors responds:

Heeey there ! thanks a lot for your honest opinion
Can you tell me how i can make more entertaining ?
Does it come down to the story itself ? or how it was performed ?

English please.

LyeenXD responds:

im not from english im from polish


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