
171 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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An interesting style... but the voices and the stale jokes behind it just really brings it down. I'll admit, there were some gags that were pretty witty though.

The transitions in between can get annoying really fast though, and I'd avoid using the word "random" anywhere in your videos.

BenjiLiekzPotatoez responds:

Thank you for your critique! I am going to try to implement your points into my videos.

Now that was entertaining! I'm loving how the HUD is just there for the whole movie, as well as frequently updating on whatever Kofi's doing as if it was a real game. (And I'm glad it is!)

Really professional grade presentation stuff here, hoping for more!

kofi-noob responds:

Thanks! We're glad you liked it. We'll be uploading more animations soon.

Impressive for a first... but this sort of stuff belongs in the forums, specifically the Animation forum. You won't get that great of a reception for your movies (or as a artist) if you post test animations, that's considered very distasteful for some.

Aside from that, very clear animation! Great use of smear, even for such a simple clip! Definitely a start for something great, keep going!

The animation forums here is your friend, it's a great place for critique for test vids and finished ones too!

vividlay responds:

Thank you very much!
And I'll definitely post my other tests to there from now on :D

Beautifully done! The music really complimented the animation pretty well, very adorable!

Only gripe is the description you guys left here. This review spot isn't for "comments", they're for critique. That sort of stuff should be for YouTube. :)

ChannyandKimberly responds:

Oh you re right, its for critics:)! Thx

"Oppressed by gravity", pffft

Definitely a good watch, good to see 3D stuff here on the portal. The animation felt a little too stiff at times, especially on that Cindy character. Love to see more, the subtle political commentary here was just hilarious, lmao

emergencysquirrel responds:

Thanks for your feedback.


It's pretty basic, but it was still a good watch.

It would had been better if was animated sorta in the style of asdfmovie, just animation-wise. It would really make the whole thing visually pleasing despite lack of colors. Other then that, pretty good.

Harriooo responds:

Thanks. I'm still finding my style but thanks for the constructive criticism.

Oh wow, the Japanese Kirby Twitter account were actually blocking people?
Hilarious inside jokes regardless, lol.

People just need some patience, we'll get our artist back... eventually.

KimiOmega responds:

They weren't, don't worry! Haha!
Soon she will be there!


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