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A particularly unsettling tale while presented in a creative style.

The atmosphere and tone is superb.

thelotuspond responds:

Thank you. I do try and push the tale whilst taking you on a journey. Thank you for your comment.

A pretty silly animation! I had a few chuckles, good work!

LosLaresToons responds:

Thank you for your comment :)

An adorable little animation, I love how Vero would just bring back her brother's holiday with just a small note from Santa.

Pretty good for a short! Graphics may need work, but it was pretty well done for a first!

Abracadabra123 responds:

All you said is true. Christmas spirit is never die.

While I admit the animation's smooth, I'll be honest here, what's the point? To be frank, Madness animations have been done to death already, almost each iteration are just reskins from each other.

As for the flash submission itself, audio was absolutely choppy and feels incomplete. I don't mean to discourage you, but this could've been done better.

Daxxs responds:

Thanks really helps a lot :D

Try to refrain from submitting incomplete works, especially clips to be used in a collab.
Other than that, I love your art style!

damian-fluffy-doge responds:

alright, thank you for telling me, I'm still new to newgrounds and I couldn t find something related to collab things, I will publish completed works in the future

This is it, this is how Lucina talks in Awakening.

mattyburrito responds:

I WISH haha

This submission is just as depressing as the description, no offense.

BillionthVirus responds:

I love it when people say no offense, it's so hilariously dumb. But anyway, I really wish people would specify why it's bad instead of just telling me it's bad, like I don't know. Think of it this way, if a food critic walks into a restaurant, eats their food and then gives them one star and just says "It's not good." He's a terrible critic, because, as a critic, it's his job to explain why he gave the rating he did. Now I know that not everyone on the internet is a trained critic, but seriously, if I were to read the reviews on my work to see where I needed improvement, I couldn't. There's no advice, or anything because people just want to take quick stab if they didn't absolutely love it. Now I know people like to think of themselves as open minded and forward thinking, I'm sure you're no exception, but this review you just posted makes you look like every other idiot on the internet.

It was pretty swell, although I wished the opening scene was a bit shorter.

The fight itself does brings back memories when sprite animations were pretty hot. It was excellent either way, although there were some sounds that were missing.

Crashr responds:

yeah that was a miscommunication between leaf and I. but thanks for the feedback. :D

A very nice experiment, loving how smooth the animation is.

For a first timer, this is actually pretty good! Looking forward to see more of your content. :)

HeyJose responds:

Thanks for the encouraging words.


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