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An adorable animation. I love how the shadows did not clash with the RL scene at all, in fact it almost looked like they were a part of it. Nicely done!

writersblockheads responds:

Thanks! I think keeping them a bit transparent helped blend them into the environment.

I completely lost it after honest politician! A cute short about a guy with his stuffed rabbit! Especially that ending and that nod to the Ghostbusters series.

Nicely done! Just work on improving the audio quality and you'll be all set!

BillyCony responds:

Thanks for your review. Yes, I know I need to improve the audio and in the next video I will work in it :)

...Well, that was anti-climatic. That was funny none the less, the movie did has it's charm! One thing to note that the sound quality was a bit lacking.

Scrabble007 responds:

Yeah it is..
but that the quality I can afford to buy with $10 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

...I admit, that was funny albeit strange. Nice work but it a little finishing touches would be nice!

ZabuJard responds:

thank u!

Been a member here since '06, (don't mind the alt lol) and I miss the golden ages ever since. It seem just too easy to pass a submission through the portal with little to no effort at all. Hardly anyone looks through it and only would just watch stuff through the front page instead. I admit, I'm no different from Pico. But then, I came across THIS movie. It left me a with a smile on my face, it's everything I remembered from the 'golden ages' but a bit more 'modernized'! The parodies are just as it should it (lol cock joke!), and everything else is just perfect.

Sure, we had some falling outs, Edd Gourd dying, the ads, Youtubers and the memes. Dear god, the memes. This flas- I mean, video submission was just I needed I think it's one of my favorite Pico movies of all time... next to Unloaded of course, lol.

What's more, you actually got Tom Fulp to voice here, wow! It's literally a love letter to Newgrounds as a whole.

Bless this flas-... submission!

artistunknown responds:

I'm glad you were able to find this movie, and that it had an impact on you. Yeah, previous years have been a bit shit, but Newgrounds seems to be on a slow but steady rise.

I really tried to cram as many nods and references to the "golden ages" of Newgrounds, so I'm glad those were noticed. And yes, what would a Newgrounds tribute be without a good cock joke? ;3

I'm glad this put a smile on your face. Seeing that people still find this and review it always puts a smile on MY face ;3

And yeah, had to get Tom to cameo in some way. It just wouldn't have been complete without it.

Thanks for the review!

A pretty colorful animation! It reminds me of those old Saturday cartoons back in the day, pretty good work here!

DavisToons responds:

Thank you :)

Quite short, I think this fits the standard quite nicely albeit ridiculous.

You seem to know your way through the basics so I have high hopes for you in the future, keep going!

Rickkidtoons responds:

Thanks! Im happy you gave me a positive review. Just to let you know I do know the basic's and been working in Toon boom Studio 8 (kinda like flash) for nearly 2 years. This was just a debut for my newground's account. ;D

Whoa there, lost the salt before you start posting up your own commentary up there buddy. I understand you weren't able to get far, but you should probably save this for a news post not in a actual submission.

Now for the animation itself: I'm loving the animation and the contrasting styles used here, especially how heated was that ping pong match. I thought it was pretty intense for something so simple! There were some oddities here and there, like how the male's body looked 'deformed' on one shot and the girl's backflip looked a tad awkward. Still, it didn't hurt the quality of the short, it's still a shame drawn animations aren't the norm anymore..

You would've won that competition for sure, that I'm sure. Good job here!

HottestCornDong responds:

To be honest I was really mad last night, mostly because they didn't even display my animation to be judged at the end. Sorry about that.

The action shots are a bit wonky because I still am kinda bad at making shots with a lot of movement still. I working on that for when I enter next year because I have an even better Ideal.

Thank you for understanding how much work I put into this, that means a lot!


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