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A good start, the animation is bit jaggy and awkward looking but the composition is okay.

bornracer responds:

can you please explain what do you mean by awkward looking?? will helping me in the future thank you

Pretty hilarious! The art style reminds me of Eddsworld in a way while being totally original in its own.

Not bad!

Koray98 responds:

When i was a kid he inspired the way i draw.You're right he is one of my biggest insperations :)
And he will be always in our hearts
Thank you

Stiff animation all around, dated graphics but functional.

Definitely improvements can be made!

AceXMason responds:

Thank you for the feedback! The next episode should be better than this one :)

Very nice improvement, the animation style is a little dated but its a nice shift to 60 FPS.

Only thing to add is to include some elements to make it seem a little more spectacular, there were far too many moments where the image was just a black or white background with a sprite animation on top of it, which is a little boring on the eyes. There was just one moment where style seem to fit just well.

Aside from that, not bad!

PhilipSMBR responds:

Thank you for your helpful review! I'll be sure to keep that in mind for future animations I make ^^

You really ought to avoid submitting test animations to the portal.

Aside from that, it's alright. You got a foundation at least.

ElGermor responds:

Yeah, kinda figured that one out the hard way... Thanks non the less! :)

This is so unnecessary but yet I love it so much, lmao. Keep these Glenda vids coming! Such professional quality!

SomeonesEx responds:

Thank you!

...That was something at least?

The jokes felt really stale and the whole movie was a bit painful to watch. The artwork definitely could've been better.

It's a start.

boymylife responds:

I agree the first bit is ok but the last bit is bad
but I'm proving those problems in my next one.

Thanks for your Feedback.

It's good... but there's really no entertainment value behind this. I feel like it'll belong better in the animation forums.

I will commend you on the smooth animation though.

Simrick responds:

Thanks for the feedback.

I will try and make them more watchable in the future and I will differelty be adding more colour into them as well.

It's really well made, but this sort of stuff should belong in the animation forums. Test animations don't really sit well here in the portal, plus you won't get the greatest of feedback compared to submitting it at the forums.

Still impressive regardless!

Annmariesch76 responds:

Oh thanks for letting me know! I dont use ng too often so idk how much of the stuff works XD


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