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I got a few chuckles, I couldn't help myself haha-

A pretty bizarre animation, nice work!

ericpolley responds:

Thank you!

I can agree with the latter, I don't understand art nowadays.

The graphics could use some work, but it's a great short either way! Keep trying!

MakysBack responds:

Thanks man, I'm still learning how to use flash and how to draw on a computer, but I think I'm getting better!

Very sweet of you to make this for your friend! The animation is pretty adorable, nice work on this one!

DankyTazz responds:

Haha Thank you it means alot =3

Well, that was odd! Not what I remember in my childhood, good work! Although I wish there were a better description for this submission. It's like you want to cut to the point..

But nonetheless, good work on this animation! No complains here!

DoopieDoodles responds:

Sorry about that! I mostly upload to YouTube so I'm just reuploading my stuff here on Newgrounds, that's why it seems kind of out of touch I suppose?

Personally, I wished it was still in *.swf format again as it was years back, but I understand the compromise.

This series never lost it charm and hilarious shenanigans. Keep up the good work, and I hope the best for you guys!!

VicHD responds:

I'll consider uploading the flash version too, if there's more demand for it.

Well, the movie was swell but felt a tad rough around the edges. The sound quality is left to be desired and the sprites didn't seem quite as proportional as they should.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt since it was projected as *.mp4 instead of the classic *.swf. Keep trying!

seishiro13 responds:

Cheers dude, definitely will keep at it and produce something better soon hopefully. Nice artwork on your page btw!

Pretty good for a first time! Nicely done!

OmegaFazer responds:


While the quality of the clip is splendid, but I don't see why this should have a place in the portal, considering how it's unfinished. Please do remember portal is meant to have finished works submitted to it.

Regardless, good luck in finishing the music video later! Use the forums for teasers like this!

sincomai responds:

I was unaware and its 20 seconds long, i just assumed it counted as a finished video, maybe not a finished concept but you get what i mean.


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