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Pretty good! The animation could be a little smoother, but a great start regardless. You've got a handle on the process at least.

What interesting crossover though..

stevanisya responds:

thanks !

Looks professionally done!

VolFMaple responds:

Thank you!

What do those symbols mean?

BlackUniGryphon responds:


Thanks for asking. ^_^ That's a good question. :)

Oh, it's Chinese. I left a link in the description to the original film I did in 2016, which had captions, and it makes more sense.

I realize not everyone is bilingual, so it is confusing for most people.

I'm also going to be re-doing this film in 2019, and improving the content. I've come a long way since then, and still going.

Here's some of descriptions of the artwork of the Chinese characters:



It's a kind of pun or word play in Chinese, because all of the Butterflies have the words that are called "ren" but each one has a totally different meaning.

In Chinese there are many arts and poetry styles that use the Chinese characters to have other meanings, based on how the words are written, or how they sound. It makes them more profound, and deep. But, also they use pictogram writing which is picture words that are symbols, but even the ideas themselves can be symbolic.

I'm not a master of these things, but it's of interest to me, even tho' I'm not that great at it. But, This was very meaningful to me to create.

Paint Tool SAI and photoshop... and recorded with Camtasia?? Wow, that's a weird way to get animation done. I surprised it actually worked! You should try Clip Studio Paint, it's Paint Tool SAI and Adobe Flash all in one.

Aside from that, well done! It's a shame you couldn't get in the collab!

Rennis5 responds:

I find paint tool sai super intuitive to use and you can save files as a PSD, then I just use photoshop for putting the animation together, I find that really easy, but It’s very flawed, so I’ll checkout clip studio paint.
Thank you.

You ought to uppen that rating a bit. It's a bit more then just "E". :s

Anyway, pretty stellar fights all-around! It's refreshing to see sprite animations still around. The fight choreography is one of the best I've seen yet.

OzombieJ responds:

Will try to do, but thanks for the comment and the ratings, glad you liked it :)

Short but sweet animation.

It’s a good start! Lines could be smoother in the background though..

chrisdercheata responds:

Thx for the comment that's a useful comment. I need criticism.I will look next time to improve this one.What I see I don't like the look of the train not really 3D I think so.

Another interesting watch, I hadn't even known the phrase came from sailors actually.

As for the visuals.. the stretched out "Impact" text seems to betray the overall theme of the aesthetics here. I'd opt for a typeface that looks "handwritten" instead, it just looks better on those worn-paper textboxes.

The show really has the marks to be truly entertaining here at NG for sure.

ImperialScribe responds:



cosmicpopstar responds:

thank you!

Very surreal, looking forward to it!

KristoniteFilmWorks responds:

Thanks! There will be at least 3 new videos coming out between now and the release date to satisfy your hunger. Stay tuned. And in the meantime check out my other videos.


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