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Not bad! A little dated, but I can definitely see some love put into this!

The animation is kinda choppy, but it works. Definitely take some time to practice a little more, maybe depart from using sticks. It's a little daunting, but it good to break out of habits.

SimBol responds:

Yup i will surely work on my animations
Thanks for the response

The art style definitely could be better. The context is interesting though, but the overall presentation just kills it.

You got the fundamentals down but definitely practice more.

AndroFlashAnimation responds:

I'll put a little more effort into the next one. Thanks

I just uploaded a new video called Gettin' Old and spent a lot more time on it. Let me know what you think.

Amazingly done! It was so sweet and wholesome, the visuals seems like professional-grade and the expressions on the kids, perfect!

Definitely worth all those six months, kudos to everyone involved!

Mega2416 responds:

Yes it was.Highly appreciate it and glad you enjoyed it

Loved this short back when NG still had the byte-player, lol.

Still has that charm.

MindChamber responds:

thanks <3

A really good homage to AlvinEarthworm's SMBZ series, very good stuff.

The animation is pretty aged, but it's still just as charming like all those years back, I'm really looking forward to the series man!

PhilipSMBR responds:

Thank you very much! I'm still a begginer animator, but I will put my best efforts to improve!

Pretty good, my only beef is how weird is that inspector's hand looks.

Other then that, a nice short regardless, definitely loving the sound here!

Hidden-Maverick responds:

Yeah, I noticed it too. But it was a pain to fix.

And thank you!

I'm rather surprised sprite movies are still being made, in Flash nonetheless. Grammar issues around, the dialogue takes too long to pass making the video a chore to get through.

It's passable at least!

MultiAdventures984 responds:

Thanks for you comment bro. Reacently, I i learned how to do text that you have to press a button to continue. So that should be in the next episode.

That was.. something!
Not bad to say the least, but the graphics look pretty dated. The long pause before and after the animations begins was kinda awkward to sit through however.

Waskus responds:

Thank you for your honest review! The thing is I'm was (am) quiet busy and have been thinking of finishing this little miniseries for a while now, and therefore kind of rushed the project over a weekend just to get it out of my mind. The text was necessary to tell the "story" and to save time, but I know I could've filled it out with more ambitious pictures/animation.


Age 28, Male

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