
171 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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"Like" the video? How? "Subscribe" to what channel?

This isn't Youtube, dude.

Ghosty22 responds:

True, but giving it a good score would imply that you like it. Also you could "follow" me on Newgrounds, if you wanted to. It's just another word for the same thing.

The sprites are poorly animated here, it's really chopping looking.

Was the scene supposed to be entertaining here?

William-Rivera responds:

Yeah, your right about that. This is a waste of time.

Don't put your test animations here, dude. That's what the dumping grounds and the forums are for.

AndreAnimates responds:

OH thanks yo, I think I'll learn how to Use it

Pretty good. Also, instead of linking people to your YouTube, link them to your NG page instead. It's better that way. :)

AliHaleem responds:

Ok Thanks For The Advice ❤️🌺🌺

Please don't upload your reanimated clips here.

This barely constitutes as a whole movie and there's plenty of ways to upload your stuff else where... like the Dumping Grounds or YouTube/Vimeo. It's right above the button where you normally make blog posts. You can't miss it.

The portal is only for finished, FULL-LENGTH movies.

nuclear-smash responds:

Oh, thank you for telling me so! I'm still fairly new to newgrounds and I still don't get many things. But still I see folks uploading their reanimates here anyways? Ion know, I've just seen plenty of them and even super short "try-out" animations, too.

Very nice call out to some Youtubers I know. Will Youtube's algorithm ever get better?

mattyburrito responds:

thanks for watching! and probably not lol

Don't submit your clips here, dude. This BARELY constitutes as a full movie.
That's what the dumping grounds are for.

BellvonArtsy responds:

Dumping grounds? ~ I thought Newground's was a platform for artists & animators to share their current projects and art to people who may be interested? ~ Also while I do know the scene is only a few seconds long it is an entire scene that I was assigned to animate :/ ~ But I see what you mean I'll try to compile multiple clips from different projects next time to pad the video size . Also thank you for taking the time to view my clip. ^^

What like button? What bell?

Little-Rena responds:

Sorry, I thought that's what all the cool kids said.

Wasn’t this already submitted?

KelariCuddles responds:

I did this drawing and it took me five videos to coloring it. There are different parts.


Age 28, Male

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Root Town

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