Please do not submit your collab clips to the portal. Use the dumping grounds instead.
Please do not submit your collab clips to the portal. Use the dumping grounds instead.
Fair enough.
L00k around silly billy
I really don't really feel great about clips meant for collabs end up getting rewards on the portal.
This is stuff you meant to distribute through NG's dumping ground system or some cloud service.
I'm sorry you feel that way. It's still work that I put a lot of time into and just wanted to show it. I do appreciate the input though.
True story, I was there
Well someone had to help move the body!
This is why the Internet exists.
Shouldn't sound and music be the first thing to implement before you submit anything?
Why hold that off until later?
This has a much better place in the Art Portal if you're going to do this.
It takes time to implement proper sound work and the voice actress I use for Pyra nd Mythra has other work and projects and won't be available all the time solely for my projects. I want to get these anims out during November so that's why I release them without sound first and then go back and add sound once ALL the animation is finished. Plus the Gif file would be too big for the Art portal.
The intro took up a good chunk of the video then the actual animation itself.
your point is?
Okay, I'm gonna be that one guy but what the fuck is Tron wearing?
I believe in some circles its known as 'cloths'
It's a start!
I'd avoid Kinemaster just because that watermark it leaves there.
Ok! Thanks for the advice im still looking for good apps to use that has no watermark
The puns are in a another realm.
I'm happy to hear it, pal. I always have a great time trying to work them into the script!
Age 28, Male
Artist, probably
Root Town
Joined on 7/27/13