
211 Game Reviews

67 w/ Responses

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That one face caught me off guard, lmao.

Once you reach a high enough score, you'll see what I mean.

And the game just broke down on me. Apparently some Javascript failed to load.

I'm withholding my vote until you can provide a better build that DOESN'T involve going to your site. :/

zwolya responds:

Can you tell me what browser you were using? As I said in the description, I've seen some long load times for certain things, but the only other issues I've seen while testing have been graphics problems in IE and Edge.

It doesn't really bring anything new to the table, it's functional at least.

I don't really know about the awkward pauses between hit exchanges, it really gets in the way of gameplay. Indifferent about the choice of music.

KielanGameDev responds:

Thanks for the review. I'm new to game development, i wasn't thinking about anything new. I wanted to recreate this game has close to the original as possible

Kinda uninspired, but at least it's functional.

English please.

There's a unfortunate lack of music, but it's functional.

Difficult, and not the fun and exciting kind.

Maneuvering is a real hassle and the lack of music saps the players' motivation to keep going for a high score.

The aesthetics are basic enough for a simple enough game but its not enough to hold anyone's attention over. Medal support and leaderboards would add a bit of replay value, but that's it.

It's a miss.

These are "reviews", not comments. I know, it's kinda similar to most sites you know. :s

Anyway, a pretty hearty challenge. You are given helpful statistics for each successful and unsuccessful runs such as 'damage-per-second', the amount of life you had when you succeed and the boss' remaining HP.

Gameplay is very reminiscence to bullet hell games (e.g. Touhou, Undertale/Deltarune).

My only gripe is you can't hold on to more then just one arrow on your character and the game tends to awkwardly speed up and slow down at times. Whether it's a intended mechanic, an error or it's just my PC (doubtful) acting up, it can really mess people up who are just trying to survive, even on Easy mode. It does hurt the game a bit..

The game does little for you to get creative with your runs, although the crossbows at the bottom corners is a good call.

Regardless, Medal support and leaderboards would really make the game shine.


Age 28, Male

Artist, probably

Root Town

Joined on 7/27/13

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