
211 Game Reviews

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Pretty nice aesthetics, but did you need that extra section for the description under the game? It look rather weird that way.

PupiProphet responds:

That's an issue that was fixed but haven't manage to upload yet. It was like that because the build wasn't originally for NG and we needed a bit of a tutorial pretty rushed out. I'll make sure to change it today.

Thank you for playing it! c:

A pretty challenging game, maybe a bit too challenging.

There is some short of visual glitch that happens where after you save Ashley, Leon's arms would linger on the result screen and if you do start a new game, Leon will appear armless.

Gypopothomas responds:

Well, damn! Totally missed that. Will get it fixed right away! Thanks.

Absolutely chilling, thank goodness for the simplistic style of the game that we were spared from the grotesque imagery. I was half expecting jumpscares or at least frights, but the lore was more then enough to shoot chills down your spine.

Fantastic debut man, solid horror game even though if it is short, keep them coming!

Nirag responds:

Thank you! Haha, you're right, the simple style spares the viewer the sight of the gore!
I'll never put jumpscares in any of my games, I don't like that kind of "thrill"!

English, please.

A pretty nice game with a good idea going for it, but I hate how it often links back to the Google Play pages.

I dunno, it just seems distasteful that way.

N1ckba responds:

Hello,what do you mean with "but I hate how it often links back to the Google Play pages".I thinks it's a bug.Give me more information and I will fix it.

Impressive work, the inspiration from flOw really shines here. Only draw back is I can't understand a thing here seeing how the text are in a different language, another thing to note the game screen is far too big for some computer screens. Huge screen are absolute hell to run here, honestly.

Other then that, nice job! Hope you get a passing grade for this, dude.

ENGLISH please.

This game shows promise, if we're talking honestly now, this game really doesn't hold my attention that well. The overall presentation looks boring and bland, there's no sound effects and the music just scream mediocrity (so bad in fact, just a single song from the portal here wouldn't be enough to save it).

The gameplay reminds me of the MM Battle Network series, but made into a really bad MOBA-styled game.

At least the UI looks optimized for phones, whatever that's good for.

A decent game, no doubt but only plagued by awkward wall jump mechanics and weird level design choices. The appeal of the game is pretty cute, however.

The game is just spike galore heaven, enough to turn some away. There were just some instances where I said "dude, just let me jump and run already". The spikes really drew the fun away from what could had been a really fun game, it made the entire 'challenge' of the game more of a chore then a challenge.

There's even some levels that needs you to die in order to fill up your jet gauge because of how little chances you got to fill it up by via water or those "blue gems orbs", and even if you got the chance to refill, the freaking orb is right on a pit of spikes! Why? That was just a terrible idea! Time to die, I guess??

The experience definitely could had been better, but it doesn't help the game has zero sound effects and the music just dies midway into the game and never loops. But there's potential, if there's ever a possible "re-release", I'd definitely look forward to it, possibly better then before.

A really below standard game.

The overall theme of the game just feels uninspired that even makes most shovelware games look good. Coupled with weird hit detection, a barely functional double jump, and really half-baked level design makes for a bad time. Everything about it is just so shi**y.

The fact alone you passed this off as a "finished" game for the portal just baffles the mind.

Can you even call this early access? This one, needs to go back in the oven. (Or better yet, the recycling bin.)

Stick to the game dev. forums here for much needed guidance.

Genre is misleading, this kinda falls as a 'runner', not a 'Run 'n Gun' like the Gunstar Heroes games, so that kinda ruined my expectations a little.

I'm loving the overall art style, captures the Wild West theme so well!

For a runner, it plays solidly, controls are responsive to controls, but level design here seems iffy... especially the gun portion of the game. I know you need to introduce a level where bullets can ricochet but why punish the player in learning that? And punish them even more for dropping to a pathway where a brigand is literally waiting for them to shoot at them and escape is impossible? And even you shoot them, there's a slope just there for a bullet to ricochet back at them. I just thought that was just a weird design.

Also for some reason, pressing space pauses the whole game, even though the hunter is still moving?

Despite all that, this can be a really good, addicting game. Just finish the rest of the game, add NG API and medal support and it will really polish up the game. Really good stuff here!

UltimoGames responds:

Yeah I really need to see other people play this game. I am not too good at level design.. I like to create a world, characters, and story. Thanks for the useful review solitonmedic! (changed the genre)


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