
211 Game Reviews

67 w/ Responses

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Swing, and swing... fun stuff! Such a simple design, but yet complex mechanics underneath. It'll take you a while to actually complete all levels.

By the way, you can access "hard" mode by pressing Space.

If you're going to submit demos, let it be meaningful. You don't explain the controls anywhere and the screen size is too big to fit on most screens.

The art style is clashing with one another and the level design is really basic. It's moderately entertaining.

AndresOreos responds:

Well, yeah we are 2 programmers. The artstyle isn't made by us.
But the level design I can improve, and a tutorial also will be made an issue on github.
Thanks for the feedback!

Interesting presentation. The game looks really well made, the music and sound design compliments everything pretty well. It's challenging but still entertaining.

My gripes is that the game lacks medal and leaderboards support, jumping and flying is a one way trip. You cannot move at all, which kinda hurts mobility a bit.

Tyagolas responds:

Thanks for the feedback!!!

The levels are too long, it's only entertaining for a few seconds.

User interface is too basic, medal support and leaderboards would help tidy things up but not by a long shot. It's functional at least.

Don't upload test builds to the portal.

Further more, the game screen is too huge while the only playable area is at least half the screen. Shrink it down, and submit test build to the "Game Development" forums here.

It's something.
If it looked more something then a game that came out DOS, it would had boosted the entertainment value by a bit.

It hurts to look at the game, the graphics is too painful to watch. The screen size is too vertical, it's good for mobile phones but not for PCs, that's what full screen is there for.

It's impressive to see the game working with the phone gyroscope, but the overall game did not complement that enough to make it exciting.

PartyManBoyWomanGirl responds:

Thanks for your comments. The game is mostly a prototype for mobile, so I agree PC playability is lacking to say the least.


Age 28, Male

Artist, probably

Root Town

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