
211 Game Reviews

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Track layout is just awkward to play through.

It really does not look fun to play through. What I would suggest is adding a drift-friendly track. It should be challenging but fun to play through as it does not punish the players for, I dunno... playing the game?

...I don't really get what's happening here, honestly.

It isn't very good.
It took me a while to figure I was possible to "jump" by clicking. This might be good for mobile but... there's nothing redeeming about anything here.

My suggestion is to post test games like these within the forums if you were planning to seek feedback. Try again.

SA-ST responds:

I'm a noob this was my first game. It is on mobile!

Greetings Simon from Supergames!

These are "reviews", not comments. :s

Anyway, it's a cute and delightful little game! Sure, it isn't something to write home about but it's a nice time-killer. Medal support and NG leaderboard would really help polish this game up.

DanDardy responds:

I'll fix that, and thanks a lot for the review! I'll be looking into the medal support/ leaderboard thing and I'll see what I can do.
Appreciate it, and have a merry christmas!

Interesting fun...

Although you can just screenshot each pony report, it does provide some decent challenge. Evil ponies conspiracies.. hey, at least it's not My Little Pony.

Pretty good!
Getting through dialogue however feels clunky and not very streamlined as it should. The button position on H, O, J, and P feels odd and not very practical to say the button placement to Z, X, O, and P. That's just me however.

Still, a really solid game with interesting retro aesthetics.

It got potential!

All it needs now for it to be a full game are more challenging levels. The aesthetics here are simple enough to make it work.

Interesting experiment, however this sort of stuff might be good for the BBS though.

This isn't a full-fledged game though, least in my opinion.

Slashscreen responds:

I'lll take a look!

I honestly don't know what to review here. I guess it's functional...ish?

"What's the point" indeed.

A pretty simple game, the aesthetics here could be improved upon..

GreenLeafGames responds:

A big update recently came out and some smaller ones are still going to come out. I hope the game gets better soon!


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