
211 Game Reviews

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The game starts immediately, at any point the game explained what the controls were, you didn't even placed them on the description.

Firing with the mouse buttons is useless because it isn't hitting anything. It's solidly programmed, but it's incomplete. Put stuff like this in the forums.

Pretty good, it plays solidly. Only suggestion is to add particle effects to whenever the player hits something, or at least explosions. It is a space-themed game after all.

It'll definitely help to give the game a good looking HUD, just to compliment the game. NG API support is a definite plus.

(Also, it might be me... but scores in the "My Best" category will show up multiple entries of the same person...even though I hadn't been playing that much yet. It's probably my browser, maybe.)

It's plays well as intended... but this isn't really anything to write home about.
Presentation is lacking, but a good start regardless.

Interesting game, definitely addicting. But time restrictions beckons skill, but without leaderboards, or medal supports, there's really no point for it aside from just cutting off the player's fun.

Definitely add powerups to extend time, or bonuses that award time if you manage to string big enough chains.

English, please.
The objective of the game wasn't clear, but it seemed to play as a versus game although not a very good one. You can't even return to the main menu after defeating your friend, if you can even manage to convince one to play this game with you.

This isn't enough to hold anyone's attention, to be honest.

The graphics here look dated. The jump mechanics are just weird and awkward, the moose can't even reach platforms unless you hold your Jump button and the level design is just terrible when you can't even discern what's a pitfall or a dirt path.

Also, if you die, you can't even retry unless you refresh the page, enough to drive off anyone playing the game.

...It's great to showoff for school, not so much for consumption here.

The graphics looks really dated, there's no music or sounds to accompany with anything, the game just feels really dull to play. Definitely take measure to revamp EVERYTHING here if you're seriously considering in turning this into a series.

I love how Bridget mocks Klink for using big words while she's no different. Despairosity? That's not even a real word!

The game aged well, definitely could use a remake for today's games. I've noticed you can make Bridget repeat her words, just a minor bug on how dialogue choices work here. (Useful to get refreshed on important information this way)


Age 28, Male

Artist, probably

Root Town

Joined on 7/27/13

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