
211 Game Reviews

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I wouldn't suggest adding unfinished works to the portal.

You have better luck getting feedback at the community forums.

Quite the tricky game indeed. The lack of directional buttons does make this game a worthy contender. Brings back old memories back on the olden days where 8-bit was still hot.

Great work! I made it as far as world four until I gave up, haha. This game needs medals, ASAP!

If you know your game's unfinished, why submit it to the portal then? Please try not to do that anymore. The portal is only for finished pieces of work.

Submit your unfinished work to the forums.

Quite a challenging game, it was pretty fun! I managed to earn all 6 medals.

The trick is to follow Fulp's pattern. Attack him whenever he launches his eye lasers. Continue to spam, never let him get near you and dart to the opposite side of the stage whenever he changes course. I actually finished the game without hitting any gravestones. A great way to kill time.

Nice job!

I'm not sure whether I should consider this a game or just some poorly done movie.

Well, the sound quality was boosted up a notch, but everything else was pretty basic. I don't think you be focusing on developing a pong game's AI but rather something else.

It's a great start, but I believe you shouldn't pour all your energy into this.

falariem responds:

Yeah, it was more a stopgap than anything else. The other projects I have planned are lot more involved, but are also a bit out of my league right now. Really, I'm only submitting this so I still feel connected to the community. Thanks for your feedback!

...Um, what?

I have no idea what's going on here, except just a Creeper chasing towards me through out the map. I'm sorry, but that's not my definition of fun. You basically attempt to avoid the Creeper and try to survive through the night. You are scored based on how long you survive. A working idea... if it was done right.

I'm sorry, but I can't really see this game making through the higher ranks.

The game was pretty fun, controls were smooth. But, it was pretty redundant was the objective was always the same. There's no music in between levels but the main menu. The only thing that kept me progressing was the operator's dialogue.

It felt too unfinished, considering the vague message I got after reaching the final level. You'll have a better chance submitting this to the forums instead of the portal.

Nothing much changed since the last version, except that small transparent box at the center of the stage that allows you to teleport through maps.

I don't think this is the best place to submits this, may I suggest the forums for your tech help? Sorry for being such a downer though.. ^^;

Pretty nice.

Graphics are alright, story was pretty cute but the game seems kinda stale. The game lacks sounds or music. The game's little debug snippets are still present... I think you forgot to mask that...? ^^;

Music and sounds would totally tie this game together. A good start either way!


Age 28, Male

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Root Town

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