
211 Game Reviews

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A personal favorite back in '06, it brought a bit of lore behind the original Pico's School and the character himself! Heck, it was even brought to canon after Pico vs. Convict. Quite amazing though even for such a aged series.

This is quite the challenging game, much like the original Pico. Gangrene would be the most hardest due to the approaching missiles, Gangrene flying across the map, and a set time limit. You really need to be on your toes for that one!

Solid work, a classic.

A pretty fun and challenging game! I never thought Minesweeper would be this rewarding, haha-

No problems with the gameplay at all, it played out smoothly as it should. Wished there could be medal support for completing objectives like getting treasure three times in a row during multiplayer battles and etc.

Nicely done!

RicSimane responds:

Thank You for the review :)

I've looked at the medal system on NG. Looks quite simple to implement. Maybe I could give it a try.

A very fun and challenging game! Gotta love that bat pun, haha-

You should've added medal support so it'll really complete this game! I'm curious to see how many stages there are!

Pretty swell, but it does tend to get boring as the level progress. Graphics could use some renovating.

Other than that, pretty good!

Quite the challenging game, my fingers are practically sore from all the button mashing. Solid work!

I wished the time limit was a bit more forgiving, haha-

blit-blat responds:

Haha, be sure to rest up between levels, don't want to strain those fingers! And it wouldn't be fun if it was too easy! ;)

It's not bad, but it isn't good. One can easily put two clown bombs together and just jump towards the next stage. (Unless that was intended.. then never mind!)

Try to submit only finished works to the portal, leave prototypes or betas over at the forums for feedback and the like. Other than that, it's pretty good for a starting game!

Oh, there's also a bug where the player character would get stuck at the edge of a platform after a forward hop.

philanderson556 responds:

Oh thanks for the input. I didn`t know I thought you build up your releases. I will fix that bug and it is intented that you can do that.

Pretty good! It's a hearty challenge to those new to bullet hell/shooter games.

There's been a issue where boss and enemy challenges won't unlock after level 5. Other than that, it's great!


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