
211 Game Reviews

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I guess it works? I had a chuckle at the crude humor, but I can't really see myself spending that much time on the game.

Some better presentation would do the game justice.

JakeWelch responds:

Thank you Solitonmedic for playing my game and the 3 star rating. Game is about 45 Min on average to complete.

From the office King:
Your royal highness,

Pretty piss-poor handling here to be honest..
The way how the game handles collision makes it so that you can't even hit the zombies from the bottom of the screen, and it's worst how the zombies pile up just to slow everything down.

The genre you set for the game doesn't make any sense too, this is more survive-til-you-drop shooter to me persay. Also, why does the timer keep counting up even though I'm on the menu and I'm already dead?

At least it's something.

VivekDoesGaming responds:

Dear solitonmedic,
thank you for letting me know.

i don't take offense, i just want you to tell me what I can do to make it better.

thx, vivek thomas (creator)

p.s: the lag from the piled up zombies is intentional.

Successfully escaped!! I have to say, the final challenge was nerve-wracking. No spoilers. :)

The whole presentation could use some work, grammar and puncutation issues all around. Regardless, it was quite a the enjoyable adventure!

(One bug though, I can't unlock the medal upon reaching the final screen. Also, I cannot click on your FB link. What should be the link, instead I get a message that says "Error: cannot find a closing tag for macro <<link>>".)

NiobiuMmm responds:

Thanks for tip. I fixed last part. Final scene is the most favourite part of mine too lol :)) thanks for stars :))

That really torn me apart..

Definitely a challenging game, makes NieR's bullet hell look easy.

Bad idea to put anything half-baked in the portal. There's nothing explaining the controls of the game OR even in the description (which is common sense at this point).

Decent game at best, but leave unfinished works OUTSIDE the portal, revised or not. Try the forums instead.

It's hard to be so attentive to the game due to how slow it is, maybe make the platforms a bit faster?

That would actually make the game a bit more fun if it's faster.


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