
211 Game Reviews

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I don't expect much since this came from a outdated version of Flash, but the game still has a lot to be desired.

The game is ultimately too hard to play, the crocodile's run speed is unbearable to deal with, forcing you to miss some hearts intently. Hit box for the hearts is a bit too narrow, score doesn't raise even if it looked like it hit.

Medals would be a nice coating for the game, but aside from the aforemention, it's a nice throwback to the old day.

mothballs responds:

Thanks for the review. I tried not to make it too easy, because otherwise you'd just be sitting there all day and not losing, but I know sometimes the spawns make it impossible to get all of them. I could either change the speed of the crocodile or slow down the spawns. Or both. Not sure what happened with the hit boxes and why they're so narrow, I could probably find a way to fix that too.

I'll take this into consideration when I add medals to it.

Fun, gets boring quick however. Maybe add music next?

AxenLader responds:

Thank you good idea. You're right it lacks a music. I'll add one.

"I haven't seen you in a long time."

What does that mean? After going through a few rooms, that message suddenly appears. Was that supposed to happen?

A tad wonky. Most of the time the game won't register some hits, despite it hitting the goon. Regardless it was fun! Upgrades made the game much more enjoyable despite the frame lags.

A fun and challenging game! I thought it was pretty innovating erasing the player character from view and relying on obstacles to know where to go and what to do. That and I was hoping I'll get to see the lady who was stuck in another dimension's true identity! So much for that!

A pretty good entry for the Ludum Dare Jam!

An eerie game. There are some glitches here and there such as some platforms breaking and not appearing after, platforms appearing but then cannot break, blocking passage, the lava creature can enter water hazards and not respawn then jumping through.

Still, a solid entry for the Ludum Dare competition.

leronir responds:

Thanks, man. Yeah, we didn't have te time to polish it. But we're alreading planning something to improve the game.

Thanks for the feedback!


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