
590 Movie Reviews

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I thought the animation was pretty clean and smooth! Loved the subtle We Bare Bears and Zelda reference... and did that Goron just broke that Piece of Heart?!

Quite short, I think this fits the standard quite nicely albeit ridiculous.

You seem to know your way through the basics so I have high hopes for you in the future, keep going!

Rickkidtoons responds:

Thanks! Im happy you gave me a positive review. Just to let you know I do know the basic's and been working in Toon boom Studio 8 (kinda like flash) for nearly 2 years. This was just a debut for my newground's account. ;D

Whoa there, lost the salt before you start posting up your own commentary up there buddy. I understand you weren't able to get far, but you should probably save this for a news post not in a actual submission.

Now for the animation itself: I'm loving the animation and the contrasting styles used here, especially how heated was that ping pong match. I thought it was pretty intense for something so simple! There were some oddities here and there, like how the male's body looked 'deformed' on one shot and the girl's backflip looked a tad awkward. Still, it didn't hurt the quality of the short, it's still a shame drawn animations aren't the norm anymore..

You would've won that competition for sure, that I'm sure. Good job here!

HottestCornDong responds:

To be honest I was really mad last night, mostly because they didn't even display my animation to be judged at the end. Sorry about that.

The action shots are a bit wonky because I still am kinda bad at making shots with a lot of movement still. I working on that for when I enter next year because I have an even better Ideal.

Thank you for understanding how much work I put into this, that means a lot!

Oh gross.. that mental image is forever ingrained into my brain now. Still, nicely done. There's room for improvement but we all have to start from somewhere!

The animation is sound, the graphics could use some work though. Regardless, keep trying!

I got a few chuckles, I couldn't help myself haha-

A pretty bizarre animation, nice work!

ericpolley responds:

Thank you!

Let me get one thing straight with your comments below, you may gauge your audience but you may not control them. You're going to have to learn handle critiques, even the bad ones. With that said, let's get on to the movie.

It's relatively short, but I can relate to the context. (Even for a dweller like me, haha) Animation is smooth, and I'm loving the coloring! I'm kinda iffy about the ending card, Youtube lingo makes everything awkward here but linking to it is fine! (Otherwise, you'll just look damn desperate.)

Nice work, and I'm sure you can do better!

I can agree with the latter, I don't understand art nowadays.

The graphics could use some work, but it's a great short either way! Keep trying!

MakysBack responds:

Thanks man, I'm still learning how to use flash and how to draw on a computer, but I think I'm getting better!


Age 28, Male

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Root Town

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