
590 Movie Reviews

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That's seriously messed up.

Eerie, but entertaining!

If I said I saw that coming, I'd be lying. But really, I did saw that coming from a mile away.

...This is something you'd put on Youtube or some other video streaming site, but it was pretty adorable nonetheless!

Been a member here since '06, (don't mind the alt lol) and I miss the golden ages ever since. It seem just too easy to pass a submission through the portal with little to no effort at all. Hardly anyone looks through it and only would just watch stuff through the front page instead. I admit, I'm no different from Pico. But then, I came across THIS movie. It left me a with a smile on my face, it's everything I remembered from the 'golden ages' but a bit more 'modernized'! The parodies are just as it should it (lol cock joke!), and everything else is just perfect.

Sure, we had some falling outs, Edd Gourd dying, the ads, Youtubers and the memes. Dear god, the memes. This flas- I mean, video submission was just I needed I think it's one of my favorite Pico movies of all time... next to Unloaded of course, lol.

What's more, you actually got Tom Fulp to voice here, wow! It's literally a love letter to Newgrounds as a whole.

Bless this flas-... submission!

artistunknown responds:

I'm glad you were able to find this movie, and that it had an impact on you. Yeah, previous years have been a bit shit, but Newgrounds seems to be on a slow but steady rise.

I really tried to cram as many nods and references to the "golden ages" of Newgrounds, so I'm glad those were noticed. And yes, what would a Newgrounds tribute be without a good cock joke? ;3

I'm glad this put a smile on your face. Seeing that people still find this and review it always puts a smile on MY face ;3

And yeah, had to get Tom to cameo in some way. It just wouldn't have been complete without it.

Thanks for the review!

A pretty colorful animation! It reminds me of those old Saturday cartoons back in the day, pretty good work here!

DavisToons responds:

Thank you :)

A pretty adorable animation!

Wished I could understand most of it though, haha.


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