
590 Movie Reviews

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The dog was alive all along!!!

Pretty hilarious! The art style reminds me of Eddsworld in a way while being totally original in its own.

Not bad!

Koray98 responds:

When i was a kid he inspired the way i draw.You're right he is one of my biggest insperations :)
And he will be always in our hearts
Thank you

Stiff animation all around, dated graphics but functional.

Definitely improvements can be made!

AceXMason responds:

Thank you for the feedback! The next episode should be better than this one :)

English is a MUST here.

Subtitles would be great here.

What a nice skeleton!

Lilium parodies never gets old, lol.

The one that started it all!


Easter egg locations time!

1.) This is a easy one. Just click the odd man out in the scene selection screen. You literally can't miss it.
2.) When Sonic shows himself for the first time, click on Tails.
3.) On the next scene, click the radio.
4.) As Tails finishes explaining, click on the GBA.
5.) On the game selection screen, click on "game".
6.) On the Mario pak, when Sonic gets mischievous, click the lone brick block between two '?' blocks.
7.) On the Sonic pak, when Sonic finally touches himself (ew lol) and shit goes weird, click on Mario.
8.) Not really a clickable easter egg, but Strong Bad wishes you a good farewell at the end of each pak.

Another great one. I honestly do love the personality and charm backed into these shorts, lol.


Easter locations time!

1.) On the game selection screen, click on "game".
2.) Although not a movie, RupeeClock appears at the end of the Zelda skit. It really is the first appearance of the f̶u̶r̶r̶y̶ clock.

[Re-review from Feb 26th, 2016! Cause I really wanted to be at the front again lmao]

A great improvement compared to the previous two installments, Tails just can't keep himself out of harm's way! Also, gotta love that Nintendopella reference at the beginning. I remember watching this video back in my earlier years way back then, actually, this one was the first flash submission I ever seen here on Newgrounds!!

I considered this animation here the standard for sprite movies, it's really that smooth! As always, take my fiven.

*Also, as a nice homage, gotta love that part when Amy said after Tails mentioned the Sonics in GBA2 touched himself, "that's NO good". You should get the reference. :)

*Another awesome thing I found: the pics that appear after Tails wins a battle in the Megaman skit are actually randomized! Repeat the skit a few times to see them all.


Easter egg locations time!

(Not really a easter egg, but just click (B)onus.)
1.) When Tails watches the Nintendopella skit, click on the dude's shirt.
2.) On the Pokémon game pak, and as Amy makes her tactical retreat, click on the radio before she leaves.
3.) On the Battle Network 3 game pak, and as Tails decides to fly about, click on the mystery data. You'll have to be quick about it though.

The series is so surreal, that's why I love it so much lmao

I'm surprised NG didn't already set up a series page yet.


Age 28, Male

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Root Town

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