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And the game just broke down on me. Apparently some Javascript failed to load.

I'm withholding my vote until you can provide a better build that DOESN'T involve going to your site. :/

zwolya responds:

Can you tell me what browser you were using? As I said in the description, I've seen some long load times for certain things, but the only other issues I've seen while testing have been graphics problems in IE and Edge.

It doesn't really bring anything new to the table, it's functional at least.

I don't really know about the awkward pauses between hit exchanges, it really gets in the way of gameplay. Indifferent about the choice of music.

KielanGameDev responds:

Thanks for the review. I'm new to game development, i wasn't thinking about anything new. I wanted to recreate this game has close to the original as possible

It isn't very good.
It took me a while to figure I was possible to "jump" by clicking. This might be good for mobile but... there's nothing redeeming about anything here.

My suggestion is to post test games like these within the forums if you were planning to seek feedback. Try again.

SA-ST responds:

I'm a noob this was my first game. It is on mobile!

Greetings Simon from Supergames!

These are "reviews", not comments. :s

Anyway, it's a cute and delightful little game! Sure, it isn't something to write home about but it's a nice time-killer. Medal support and NG leaderboard would really help polish this game up.

DanDardy responds:

I'll fix that, and thanks a lot for the review! I'll be looking into the medal support/ leaderboard thing and I'll see what I can do.
Appreciate it, and have a merry christmas!

Interesting experiment, however this sort of stuff might be good for the BBS though.

This isn't a full-fledged game though, least in my opinion.

Slashscreen responds:

I'lll take a look!

A pretty simple game, the aesthetics here could be improved upon..

GreenLeafGames responds:

A big update recently came out and some smaller ones are still going to come out. I hope the game gets better soon!

Pretty nice aesthetics, but did you need that extra section for the description under the game? It look rather weird that way.

PupiProphet responds:

That's an issue that was fixed but haven't manage to upload yet. It was like that because the build wasn't originally for NG and we needed a bit of a tutorial pretty rushed out. I'll make sure to change it today.

Thank you for playing it! c:

A pretty challenging game, maybe a bit too challenging.

There is some short of visual glitch that happens where after you save Ashley, Leon's arms would linger on the result screen and if you do start a new game, Leon will appear armless.

Gypopothomas responds:

Well, damn! Totally missed that. Will get it fixed right away! Thanks.

Absolutely chilling, thank goodness for the simplistic style of the game that we were spared from the grotesque imagery. I was half expecting jumpscares or at least frights, but the lore was more then enough to shoot chills down your spine.

Fantastic debut man, solid horror game even though if it is short, keep them coming!

Nirag responds:

Thank you! Haha, you're right, the simple style spares the viewer the sight of the gore!
I'll never put jumpscares in any of my games, I don't like that kind of "thrill"!

A pretty nice game with a good idea going for it, but I hate how it often links back to the Google Play pages.

I dunno, it just seems distasteful that way.

N1ckba responds:

Hello,what do you mean with "but I hate how it often links back to the Google Play pages".I thinks it's a bug.Give me more information and I will fix it.


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