
67 Game Reviews w/ Response

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A pretty fun game with Game Boy-ish inspired graphics! The inspiration from X-Gen's Motherload shows.

While I wish the frame rate could be better (I'm assuming it's due to my own hardware), it plays beautifully as what a retro game should be. My only gripe that it seems to be such a endless grind trying to build up cash just for fuel refills to reduce it to zero.

Regardless of that, medal support would really be great for the game here.

Template88 responds:

The deeper you dig the more valuable the minerals you mine are but the riskier it is. Try finding a few Crystal type minerals and coming back up, you'll find that your delving becomes very profitable.

A simple but quirky game!

Shame you can't stomp on the bunny-things.

Cyberdevil responds:

Well then it wouldn't be a challenge would it. ;) Thank ya!

If you're going to submit demos, let it be meaningful. You don't explain the controls anywhere and the screen size is too big to fit on most screens.

The art style is clashing with one another and the level design is really basic. It's moderately entertaining.

AndresOreos responds:

Well, yeah we are 2 programmers. The artstyle isn't made by us.
But the level design I can improve, and a tutorial also will be made an issue on github.
Thanks for the feedback!

Interesting presentation. The game looks really well made, the music and sound design compliments everything pretty well. It's challenging but still entertaining.

My gripes is that the game lacks medal and leaderboards support, jumping and flying is a one way trip. You cannot move at all, which kinda hurts mobility a bit.

Tyagolas responds:

Thanks for the feedback!!!

It hurts to look at the game, the graphics is too painful to watch. The screen size is too vertical, it's good for mobile phones but not for PCs, that's what full screen is there for.

It's impressive to see the game working with the phone gyroscope, but the overall game did not complement that enough to make it exciting.

PartyManBoyWomanGirl responds:

Thanks for your comments. The game is mostly a prototype for mobile, so I agree PC playability is lacking to say the least.

An interesting game.. Hadn't seen anything like this before but it could had been executed better I'll admit.

kypello responds:

Thank you! Can you be more specific about what could be executed better?

A good game going to places, the game has a pretty gritty but interesting art style backing it. Only thing I would recommend fixing is the screen resolution (it's TOO BIG), and the menu UI (too basic).

There's some spelling errors around (SACEBAR, lol), but doesn't betray the game much.

SaleVaken responds:

Understood I will correct. :)


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