
67 Game Reviews w/ Response

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While its well made, it lacks "soul".

In other words, it looks and feels generic. It's a good time-waster regardless.

AlexGoldring responds:

Hey, glad you think it's worth your time :)

We spent a lot of time working on the initial experience, since there's a lot of complexity in the game, we wanted to strip it down to bare minimum at the start. I guess that has backfired on us :D

Heh, "Newgounds".

Little-Rena responds:

Typing is hard, I have added a medal in your honour for spotting this!

It's nice, but there are better alternatives to learning Japanese then this however...

Willbycraft responds:

It is for the purpose of testing how well you know things, less so learning! :D

Well, it's something.. Can't really judge it as a game, can we?

The screen space needed is just too big then what the actual "game" really needed.

quicksnitcher responds:

Hey, solitonmedic. You are completely right, it's my first time uploading to newgrounds so thanks for the feedback. You are right, it's not a game and the screen size is too big. I will change it to misc project. Thanks again for the feedback!

Don't submit test builds or "betas" to the portal please. Submit those to the Game Development forums instead.

AnyGameKgz responds:

I'm sorry.

Don't submit test games to the portal. Use the dumping grounds instead.

Wrathox responds:

Sorry I wanted to be able to share this easily and this is the easiest way that I found to do it, the dump unfortunately does not work for this, I've tried in more than one format

What a odd game.. Bolts shouldn't be that flexible lol.

It would had been better if it was more then three levels available.

DeadHeadStd responds:

this is a metaphor, a bolt is not a bolt, it is something else

Don’t just submit stuff that’s clearly made from tutorials. At least put some effort in it.

XSpranp responds:

I wanted to show it to my friend, He said to post it online so he can play it.

Awkward controls. I would prefer moving with the classic arrow keys or the usual "A and D". Presentation isn't that bad.

This got potential to be a really addicting game.

hotfooted responds:

I considered [A] and [D] as controls but having to traverse the columns one by one is too slow once the bpm reaches above ~110. I also implemented [1][2][3][4][SPACE] though never documented them. I will add [A][S][D][F][SPACE] in later.

Thanks for the feedback.


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