
590 Movie Reviews

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It's pretty quirky, watching the little robot dance about.

The only problem is, the movie is just a loop. With no music playing in the background, the whole flash submission seems a bit stale. But, I could see you're trying to do your part for the Robot Day event.

An excellent addition, nonetheless.


It's pretty short, DBZ sound effects has been done to death already. Animation is decent, but graphics needs a bit more improving. I could see you're just starting out and that's just fine. I would recommend going to the forums and submit this movie to the Dumping Grounds and showcase it there. From there, people can offer you criticism and feedback.

Good luck out there!

JukinS responds:

Thank you very much, means a lot! And yes, im just starting, i dont have good sources of sound effects, and i didnt put effort on the characters design, but i'll make them better, seriously thanks!

Quite the workout! Both fights with Metal Sonic and The Great Robot were quite difficult, forcing the player to choose their next moves wisely. Tails is equipped with limited offensive spells, making the fight a bit troublesome. However, besides that, he can analyze the two to level the playing field by discovering weak points. An amazing game, although more can be added to it's cutscenes though.

To those of you having trouble with the last fight, the trick is to hit the robot in it's "sweet spot". Tails' Scan ability even tells you that. Pepper him with Triple Shot and never lay a finger on your MP skills or Giga Beam, ever, except Healer. When your health is low after taking in The Great Robot's giant beam, heal. Pepper him with Triple Shot when "sweet spot" is exposed, heal after it closes up. Shoot him with energy bursts. Repeat.

A fun game to pass the time, indeed.

Well, I wouldn't call that a adventure. The pup was pretty cute.

The animation is just a simple tween of a dog moving towards a wall, only to fall over. Movie seems a bit lazy..

Not bad for your first animation! Although the animation seems kinda choppy, stutters at some points. Background could use a bit work. The fight choreography was pretty nice.
I don't think this seems the best place to submit demos though. A great start, love to see the finished product soon!


Trying to figure out what's going on. A man going to some bar and tags along a couple of ladies, sings and has a good ending? Seems alright... if it was done right.

Animation seems pretty lazy, there's was nothing but just a white background with silhouettes everywhere. Voice acting seems a little half-baked. The idea works, but you're going to have put a little more effort into this.

It's decent.

Voice acting was pretty average, yet the animation seems a bit stale.

It's a great start.

allietron responds:


No, Minato! Wrong envoker! xD

Anywho, the animation was sorta smooth, yet feels a bit flat. The voice acting was great, ties well with the short!

I had a really good laugh out of it, considering I'm a fanatic of the series. Keep up the good work! Hope we could see a parody of P4 Arena Ultimax soon!

Poribo responds:

Haha thanks for the review! :)


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