
590 Movie Reviews

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Interesting movie, the point is clear and concise. The graphics is a bit dated and the animation can be better, but it does gets the job done in informing others about safety.

CleatPeddlingMinion responds:

Thanks! I agree the animation can be a bit rough around the edges but, alas, don't have the time for every work project to be frame-by-frame animation. As for the graphics (what I assume you refer to as my style), I am really trying to break out of it as I've used this style since high school. Before Adobe Animate 2019, I only used Flash...2014, I think? There were a lot of limitations at the time and with more practice, I am sure to incorporate better methods given the improved tools at my disposal these days! In any case, thank you again; I appreciate any input.

This sort of stuff would have a better place in the Art Portal because it has no sound.

Still, pretty smooth animation!

cchimeras responds:

I didnt think animations would be in the art category (beyond cycles.) Are they common in that category? I feel like it would be a misrepresentation, but am open to hear what others think. Thanks for feedback!

"Never three~"

I need a extension

Starting 2019 off with the return of an legendary series.

This is barely a movie, sure there's been some effort but this has a better place in the Art Portal, as a GIF.

nuclear-smash responds:

Understandable, it was being made with the sound and everything so didn't really think about it at the time, whoops.

Those tags though

EBBlueberry responds:

They were originally arranged in an order forming a sentence but then they just got scrambled for some reason...

Interesting premise.. Charming host, although there were a few audio issues. I was not expecting that ending at all, lol.

Graphics are a little dated, but they're functional. Did you really got the actual martial artist to voice here? If so, impressive! Hope to see more.

NewOutletAnimation responds:

Yeah, I use Moho, so the animation program isn't perfect, but I feel like that's part of the charm.
I did use Dre Miley for the voice, I'm in the process of writing the script for Shanna Young's episode now. I'm pretty close to the whole MMA community, so that's the easy part. Thank you!
Stay Tooned!!

Pretty good, but nothing too spectacular. It's a good way to show off your linework for sure.

An adorable little animation!

Some sound effects would really polish things up here.


Age 28, Male

Artist, probably

Root Town

Joined on 7/27/13

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