Dat plot twist tho.
Dat plot twist tho.
Yeah, I had to go outside the box to come up with a semi-original "purple imposter" gag. Glad you liked it.
Don't be judging lovely titties!
There's potential, but you should really do something about the watermarks there. It's distracting.
Audio warning pls
there is one
I was literally almost convinced this was a actual Foamy episode lol.
It was a Foamy Collab back from 69 years ago, reuploaded in HD!
This literally speaks volumes about today's relationships.
Another porn loop hits daily feature again.
Avoid FlipaClip like the plague, or at least do something about the ugly watermark there.
Aside from that, not bad but you ought to put this in the animation forums instead.
thanks but flipaclip is all i know how to use but if you have any suggestions im more than happy to hear it thanks bro!(on animation apps)
Everyone needs to treat their professor with respect
Age 28, Male
Artist, probably
Root Town
Joined on 7/27/13